What they are saying
"Life as a Daymaker is the perfect guide to everyday living. If we all can subscribe and practice the methodologies Mr. Wagner recommends, we definitely will have a healthy, non-violent, successful present and future for our planet. It's a book that I will read on an ongoing basis."
Horst M. Rechelbacher
Founder of Aveda
"While the concept of Daymaking may seem "Pollyanna" to some, it is actually a radical solution toward addressing the many ailments that exist in society today. When it comes to the workplace, Daymaking should be a marketing campaign, a boardroom strategy, a staff training theme, and a customer promise. Applied to one's personal life, Daymaking will fix marriages, build self-esteem, and create a life of bliss. I am not just a casual endorser of "Life as a Daymaker." It has been taught and strongly emphasized in my company for many years. Many of my staff members and students list "Daymaker" as their job title on their e-mail signatures and name tags, and some of them even have "Daymaker" tattooed on their bodies!"
Winn Claybaugh
Dean & Cofounder of Paul Mitchell Schools
Author of BE NICE (OR ELSE!)
"David’s message, Life as a Daymaker, is not a concept or philosophy, it is a human revolution. It has made me a better person. It is transformational; it has inspired me to be more intentional about leading an extraordinary life so countless others will as a result. David has taught me that each day is a gift and each person I meet is an opportunity to leave an impact on them and make a difference."
John R. DiJulius III
Author of What's the Secret? and founder of The DiJulius Group
"The world does not exist to serve you, you are here to serve the world and to advance the cause and the consciousness of humanity. That is the premise and promise of Daymaking, as put forth in David Wagner's gem of a book. Can one person truly make a difference? Yes, absolutely. Every time you reach out in service to make someone's day, the closer we all move toward a kinder, more enlightened world."
Phil Bolsta
Author of Through God's Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World
"David delivers a message of hope, healing and discovery. Our staff gave him rave reviews on the importance of becoming a Daymaker everyday! He mixes this all with a great sense of humor!"
Robert Stevens, President and CEO
Ridgeview Medical Center
"David Wagner has the gift of being a powerfully aligned and integrated successful business owner, father, husband and visionary. In his captivating presentations he weaves his very personal story of recovery with how he evolved the philosophy of Daymaking into his business and a world wide movement."
Craig + Patricia Neal
Founders, Heartland Inc.
"What Tuesday's with Morrie taught about dying, Life as a Daymaker teaches about living."
Steve Linder